American Society of Civil Engineers Lansing-Jackson Branch

President’s Message

Hello and welcome to the ASCE Lansing-Jackson Branch website! We hope that our members and prospective members will find this website useful in sharing information about our branch, our activities and events, our members and their contributions to the civil engineering profession. We want this website to be a hub of collaborative sharing of knowledge and experience to enhance members’ professional and technical career development while also providing a link for networking and relationship building. Our intent is to share relevant content regarding branch activities, community involvement, social activities, and professional growth to assist our members through our five key branch objectives: Partnership, Scholarship, Sponsorship, Membership, and Mentorship.

We strive to connect professional engineers in our community by active involvement in branch activities, networking, relationship building and sharing lessons learned and best practices. By working together, we can bring great ideas together and solve the complex issues in our built environment.

We strive to assist college students in achieving their goals and engineering degrees through our robust scholarship program. Our investment in the future of young engineers will set up our professional and regional community for success with a future-focus mindset.

We strive to provide quality technical programs and activities that encompass the entire breadth of the civil engineering profession, by engaging professionals from all walks of life in sharing their projects, experience, and innovations to grow our technical knowledge and skills. This is made possible by the many corporate and personal sponsors that contribute towards our scholarship and technical programs. It is vital to the branch’s continued efforts across everything we do, and we can’t over emphasize our appreciation for the support provided.

We strive to increase local, state and national membership in ASCE and our branch through continual outreach and encouragement for active participation and involvement. Without members, there is no ASCE or local branches. Membership brings all the activities, programs, networking, community involvement and scholarships together. Bringing our professional community together will allow us to continue to do great things.

We strive to provide mentorship throughout the civil engineering profession. We have all benefitted from assistance at some point in our professional careers, and as a branch, we want to ensure that we continue those efforts. Building relationships, sharing experience, and offering guidance can open doors for young and seasoned engineers alike.

These objectives are intertwined and the success of one leads to the success of the others. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and we feel that its similar for achieving great things in our professional and personal lives. 

Our goal is to assist our members in building a better quality of life for themselves and our community, through leadership development, collaborative sharing of ideas and innovations, advancement of technology, lifelong learning, and promotion of our profession. Together we can make our built environment resilient for the future. 

As your branch president, I hope that you will find the collaboration in our branch membership that assists you in achieving your goals, and accomplishing great things!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our board of directors or committee chairs with any questions or to find out how you can get involved.

ASCE Lansing-Jackson President

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